Vivid Solutions teamed with the BC forestry consulting company Forsite Consultants Ltd. to develop eziLink™, a document preparation product that enables the forest industry to easily generate harvesting applications and report silviculture obligations including both spatial and attribute information and submit them electronically to the BC Government’s Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. This practical tool is simple to use, straightforward in its approach and easily integrates both spatial and attribute data. It can be used as a stand-alone application or be integrated through plug-ins with any existing Forest Management Systems that may already be installed by BC Ministry clients.
Can be used without any third party software applications. No mapping or database system is required for creating a properly formatted submission document.
Edit existing data or create new data through on screen digitization.
Support for automatic re-projection of data from various projections to the supported submission projections.
Support for standard projections utilized in British Columbia:
BC Standard Albers Equal Area
UTM NAD83 (all BC Zones)
Geographics (latitude and longitude)
Support for re-projecting CAD data.
Supports basic layer theming and labeling of spatial data.
Query and select of spatial data through attributes for incorporation into submissions.
Validate topology.
Perform spatial analysis on data such as buffering, overlaying, unions, etc.
Visit the eziLink™ website and learn more about this product.